Simple calculator
Simple calculator - online calculator with basic and advanced mathematical functions. This online calculator supports simple mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. With Simple calculator you can also easily calculate the nth root of a given number, the logarithm of a number, etc.
Commands for Simple calculator can be entered not only with the mouse, but also with the computer keyboard.
For example,
• [ = ] - key [Enter].
• to erase the last character - key [Backspace].
• [ + ] - key [ + ]
• [ - ] - key [ - ].
• [ x ] (multiplication) - key [ * ] on the numeric keypad on the right or a combination of keys [ * ] and [ Shift ].
• [ ÷ ] (divide) - key [ / ].
The memory function of Simple calculator allows you to store and recall calculations using History tab.
Use Simple calculator for work, school or personal calculations.